679 N. Berendo Property
Location: Off Melrose, few blocks west of Vermont. North of K-town, near LA City College, Los Feliz Adjacent
Store Front
Main Floor: 1500sq ft
Top Floor: 600sq ft
Store Front


Main Floor: 1500sq ft

Top Floor: 600sq ft

What is this property? It looks like a great space!
It's one of the properties I'm looking at to open the restaurant. Great space, questionable area (in terms of target foot traffic), and it's going to take a lot of $$$ to turn the place into a functioning restaurant.
sometimes foot traffic is not necessary when your establishment is a destination...
But you have to weigh the thoughts of either being 1) a neighborhood joint with lots of regulars or 2) a destination joint with lots of people coming to see what you're all about. And then becoming regulars. Oh hell, why not just be both. Berendo was a sketchy street oh so long ago when I used to frequent that area, 25 years ago. I imagine things have changes.
ldm, loved this space. Alas, I must let it go. It's not meant for a restaurant right now. The search continues. (7 Dec 04)
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