Maki's Input

Maki's response follows (still warming my heart hours later):
Wow. And I was just wondering what I would do when I quit Chiat. I could be a bartender at your restaurant. Or a valet? Or a pianist? Or a bathroom attendant? Or a maitre ‘d?MHP:
Wait, I don’t play piano.
Exciting, Minh. A restaurant is exactly the right kind of venture for you. Besides the fact that you love food and are a super talented cook, it will be something that you can pour every bit of obsessive compulsive energy you have into. And then you can enjoy a glass of nice wine at the end of each day in your quiet, freshly cleaned place and contemplate how you can improve upon it the next.
Very exciting.
You can be all and I'm going to hold you to it. You so hit it on the head. I'm really excited, but it's already a lot of work and I don't even have a kitchen nor patrons.Maki:
It's going to be fun.
I figured, why not now? I will always write, I will direct a feature when the time is right, right now I just want to cook and feed people.
Wouldn't that be a great name for your restaurant?In Maki's honor, I'll have to have t-shirts made that say “I just want to cook and feed people." I'll also have to remember my other idea about "Share your food." Will play with that and make t-shirts later. I'm like a sorority sister or mid 1990 dotcom employee: a t-shirt for every occasion.
“I just want to cook and feed people.”
People get so metaphorical and fancy with names, just put it out there. Let people know what you're all about.
As a sorority sister I A-ok that move. :thumbup:
Maybe your menu can come with a play-bill such as "Maki - on piano" and "Bella - writer in residence".
When I complete my utterly useless degree at the end of the summer I was planning on going to Italia, but a trip to LA sounds good too (as well). I promise to look mysterious and arty, or friendly and approachable depending on your aesthetic preference. :P
hey..i'm blogging about sharing food right
Can I be a waitress there?
Oh my, I just clicked on your link and this is a whole new side to you, thanks for sharing. I'm so impressed by your creativity and commitment.. sounds like you're well prepared and motivated to work hard for your dream, making success so well-deserved.
Share your food, dammit!
Everyone, come visit, be a waiter/tress for a day. Would love to have you.
Apple, welcome.
c, that scene reminded me of the scene in Diva, where the zen guy is talking about the perfect french baguette, not too fresh, not to was just so perfect.
C, I'm a very, very lucky woman indeed. Even luckier now that you're here. Films and food, you're making a better blog of this already.
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