We're All Connected

Very little positive news have been heard or read about the tsunami/earthquake that took place earlier this week. Villages wiped out, babies left orphaned, decomposing bodies buried in mass graves for the sake of the living. However, light is finally finding its way as lives are found amongst rubles and desolation. Seeping between the death and devastation toll are stories of humanity and courage. And for scientists, this can of worms is proving to be good bait. Scientists are learning we are all literally connected. A affects B affects C and so on. They're learning more about the earth works and what makes it tick, rock, and shake. We're one big connected world. And if our technology would've been more connected, many lives would've been saved. Had an email or telephone been been made in as short of a notice as ten minutes, the devastation would have vastly been different.
Unlike the Pacific Ocean, where it's outlying denizens can afford to pay for alert systems, the Indian Ocean doesn't have one. Along most of the Indian Ocean's shores are farmers and developing industries, mainly tourism. In this joyous holiday season where most of us get to be with family and friends, take vacations, and have much to look forward to in a new year, inequality still exists and devastation still occurs. We may turn off BBC/CNN, NPR, the internet and read only the food, classifieds, and crossword sections of our newspaper, but the world is still there, all connected back to us. The world needs our blood, our extra pennies, and our thoughts.
The good news is if you're reading this post, you're already of likemind and have done your part in helping our connected world. However, I still write out of my own sense of humanity and inner obligation and I hope you forgive me for my on-going indulgence.
Happy New Year and may we stay connected!
happy new year, mhp :)
actually, i think studying the way in which the internet has changed response to catastrophic events like this and in someways lessened the repercussions would make a great dissertation topic for somebody.
Its also interesting to think about this event and the way it would've been heard about years ago, without the immediate and abundant sources of communication we have now. These are the types of events that probably gave birth to stories of the parting of the red sea, and all sorts of myths and legends of biblical proportions.
Where have you gone??? I hope you're well.
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